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03 October 2011


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Ritu Anand

I read this blog earlier in the day and it brought tears to my eyes. You write many blogs that are informative and bring awareness to important social issues. Once I was confronted by a family member who asked me "Everyone wants to know why you are so angry, Ritu." Later on I reflected on that question and I wrote a long response. The jist of it was "I am so angry because no one else is angry at all." I'm so glad that you have always been a support in my life and I am glad that you were angry on my behalf. I am glad I had you to look up to while growing up. I am touched that you wrote such a personal account of how gender discrimination has affected you and our family. I still get into discussions with Indian cousins, Indian brothers, and American female friends that go something like "Women are equal now. There is no more gender discrimination." I think discrimination still exists in American culture, but my American friends who have not dealt with it in an Indian context are out of touch with the struggles of you and I, and even moreso with the struggles of your babysitter.

Christiana Thanos

I really enjoyed watching your piece on BBC. Thank you for covering this important topic.

Account Deleted

Beginning of December, a program aired on ABC 20/20 about India's deadly secret. It was about 40 million girls who have vanished. All aborted before they could take their first breath. Their crime was that they were girls. As you know the gender ratios is India are terribly skewed about 914 girls per 1,000 boys. In Punjab it is about 833 girls per1,000 boys. Unfortunately this happens amongst the privileged and the educated also. The only woman who has brought cases against her in-laws and husband is Dr Mitu Khurana. Please watch her story and sign her petition for justice. Please give those 40 million girls silenced forever, a voice. Please forward this to as many friends as possible.

After you sign the petition, there will be a request from the site for a donation. This donation is totally discretionary and does not in any way or form affect or benefit Dr Mitu Khurana. All she is asking for is your support (signing this petition) so that pressure can be put on the Indian authorities that the whole world is watching them in total disbelief as they make a young mother run around in vain for four years in search of justice

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