~By Anu. And here I thought the blog was dead... nobody was reading it anymore... My own fault of course, for leaving India and becoming uninspired so easily! But today, I logged on and found half a dozen comments waiting, some for months, neglected and unpublished... and my heart was glad! Here they are.
My apologies to all of you for not noticing them before and please, keep writing!! I have three more days in Florida and this big old house is LONELY!! Though I did FINALLY manage to take pictures of this pair of ethereal, crimson-headed cranes that I occasionally chance upon during my morning walk...! They are amazing-- about three feet tall and very placid, except when they're trying to impress each other, and then they jump and beat their wings. On Sunday, we found them blocking the driveway to a house. Even when the lady in her 4x4 honked at them, they wouldn't give way! Cheeky.
Also, I'm working on a short story and finding that a *flash* of inspiration is enough to get you started, but not enough to help you finish or make it readable! Your comments will keep me ticking over til Friday when I board the plane, once again, back to Blighty. Good news though, we are definitely headed back to India in February and there are many exciting new adventures on the horizon!